Colonoscopy Recovery Diet: What to Eat After A Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy Recovery Diet: What to Eat After A Colonoscopy

So you finally got what to eat after a colonoscopy. Now it’s time for the fun part—figuring out what you can and can’t eat as your gut recovers. The good news is the procedure itself only takes about 30 minutes. The bad news is it can take a day or two for your digestive system to get back to business as usual. During recovery, stick to a diet of bland, easy-to-digest foods to avoid irritating your colon. But don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you’re relegated to a diet of nothing but rice, bananas, and toast for the next couple of days. With some guidance, you can eat foods that are gentle on your gut but still tasty and satisfying. Here are some tips to get you through the next couple of days as your colon recovers and you get back to your regular diet and routine.

Start With Clear Liquids: What to Eat After A Colonoscopy

After your colonoscopy, it’s important to ease back into eating. Start with clear liquids like:

  • Broth (chicken, beef or vegetable)
  • Gelatin (like Jell-O)
  • Popsicles
  • Fruit juices (apple, grape, cranberry)
  • Herbal tea
  • Clear sodas (ginger ale, lemon-lime)

Drink these for a few hours to make sure your digestive system is ready for more. If all goes well, you can move on to bland, easy-to-digest foods:

  • Bananas, rice, toast – The classic BRAT diet. These binding foods help get your system back on track.
  • Yogurt or smoothies – Probiotics are good for gut health and the smooth, creamy texture is gentle.
  • Oatmeal – Fiber-rich oats are nourishing but not harsh. Cook them thoroughly for maximum digestibility.
  • Mashed potatoes – Comforting mashed potatoes provide potassium and nutrients without irritation.
  • scrambled eggs – High in protein but light, scrambled eggs are an ideal post-procedure meal.
  • Avoid anything spicy, fatty, or high in fiber for a couple of days. Your gut needs time to recover.
  • Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water and warm beverages to prevent dehydration and help your bowel movements return to normal.
  • Call your doctor if you have severe pain, nausea, vomiting, or your stools become bloody. Some discomfort is normal, but excessive symptoms could indicate a complication.

In a day or two, you should be able to return to your regular diet. Be kind to your gut, go slowly, and savor the simple pleasures of eating as your system heals. Your colon will thank you!

Gradually Reintroduce Low-Fiber Foods

What to Eat After A Colonoscopy, your stomach may feel a bit off as you recover from the procedure and prep. The good news is, you can start eating again, you just have to go slowly.

As your colon recovers, gradually reintroduce low-fiber foods that are gentle on your system. Start with things like:

•Broths, soups, and stews. Chicken, beef, or vegetable broths provide hydration and electrolytes without fiber. Soups and stews with rice, noodles, or mashed potatoes are good too.

•Bananas, white rice, and toast. Simple, binding foods like mashed bananas, white rice, and white toast are easy on the gut.

•Eggs. Soft-boiled, poached, or scrambled eggs are a great source of protein post-colonoscopy.

•Yogurt or smoothies. Dairy products with live active cultures like yogurt and kefir contain good bacteria for your microbiome. Fruit smoothies made with yogurt or milk and bananas provide nutrition, too.

•Lean meats. Tender cuts of chicken, fish, or turkey provide protein without excess fat or fiber.

•Cooked carrots and beets. Well-cooked, mashed root veggies have fiber but in a softened form. They’re nourishing in moderation.

After a couple of days of sticking to low-fiber fare, if your colon feels up for it, slowly add in more foods with fiber like oats, beans, raw fruits, and salads. But take it easy – your digestive system just went through a lot and needs time to heal. Be good to yourself and enjoy every bite of that first real meal! Your patience through the recovery process will pay off.

Avoid High-Fiber Foods for a Few Days

 What to Eat After A Colonoscopy

What to Eat After A Colonoscopy? Your digestive system needs time to recover. Avoiding high-fiber foods for a few days will help reduce discomfort as your colon heals.

Stay Away From Raw Fruits and Vegetables

Raw produce like broccoli, spinach, berries, and nuts contain a lot of fiber that can be hard to digest after your procedure. Cooked or canned options are better in the short term. Soft, mushy foods are ideal. Think mashed potatoes, bananas, yogurt, and soups.

Skip the Whole Grains

Whole wheat bread, brown rice, oats, and cereals are also high in fiber. Replace them with refined grain options for now, such as white bread, rice, and pasta. Your colon will thank you, and you can return to whole grains in a week or so.

Limit Legumes and Beans: What to Eat After A Colonoscopy?

Chickpeas, lentils, and black beans are filling and nutritious but can be gassy and irritating so soon after a colonoscopy. Leave them out of your diet for 3-5 days until your symptoms improve.

Stay Hydrated and Take it Slow

Be sure to drink plenty of water and other clear fluids to avoid dehydration. However, go slowly at first, especially right after your procedure. Too much fluid at once may make you feel nauseous. Start with small sips and gradually increase the amount over the first day or so.

When to Add Fiber Back In

Most people can start adding high-fiber foods back into their diet 3 to 5 days after a colonoscopy. But go slowly, as too much fiber too quickly may cause discomfort. Add one new high-fiber food every 1-2 days and see how you tolerate it. Some bloating and gas are normal at first. If your symptoms become severe or last more than a week, contact your doctor.

The key is to give your colon time to heal by avoiding irritants. Stay hydrated, start with bland and soft foods, and slowly reintroduce fiber over the course of a week. Be kind to yourself during recovery—you’ve been through a lot! With time and patience, you’ll be back to your regular diet in no time.

Stay Hydrated and Drink Plenty of Fluids

 What to Eat After A Colonoscopy

What to Eat After A Colonoscopy? Staying hydrated is key to recovering comfortably. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration and replenish what was lost during your procedure.

Water, broths, and herbal tea

Drink 6-8 glasses of water, clear broths like chicken or beef, and herbal tea without caffeine on the first day. These provide hydration without irritating your stomach. Sports drinks with electrolytes can also help with rehydration.

Avoid irritants

Stay away from anything that can irritate your stomach like coffee, alcohol, and acidic juices for the first 24 hours. These can stimulate your bowels and dehydrate you further.

Slowly introduce bland, low-fiber foods

As your stomach feels up to it, gradually start eating bland, low-fiber foods with little residue. Things like bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, and mashed potatoes are good options. These foods won’t stimulate bowel movements as your colon recovers.

Take it easy and rest

In addition to drinking plenty of fluids and eating an easy diet, get extra rest. Your body is recovering from the procedure and medication, so take time off work or limit physical activity and stress. Gentle walking is fine, but avoid strenuous exercise for a couple of days.

Watch for dehydration warning signs

Be on alert for signs of dehydration like increased thirst, dry mouth, dizziness or lightheadedness, and dark urine. Call your doctor right away if you experience severe abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, or a high fever as these can indicate complications from your colonoscopy.

Medications as directed: What to Eat After A Colonoscopy?

Take any prescribed medications as directed by your doctor to manage discomfort and prevent infection. Mild pain relievers like ibuprofen can also help with soreness from the procedure. Follow up with your doctor if you have severe or worsening pain that medication does not relieve.

By staying hydrated, eating a bland diet, and taking it easy, you will recover comfortably from your colonoscopy. Be sure to call your doctor with any concerns or if your symptoms feel severe or last more than a couple of days. Your health and safety are the top priorities now, so take good care!

When Can I Return to My Normal Diet?

After having a colonoscopy, it’s normal to wonder when you can return to eating your usual diet. The good news is, in most cases, it won’t be long before you’re back to enjoying your favorite foods. However, it’s important to start slowly and give your digestive system time to recover.

Gradually Reintroduce Solid Foods

In the hours after your procedure, you were limited to only clear liquids. The next day, you can start eating soft, bland, low-fiber foods like:

  • Boiled rice
  • Bananas
  • Applesauce
  • Toast
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt

Avoid anything too spicy, fatty, or difficult to digest at first. Your doctor will let you know when it’s safe to start adding more fiber back into your diet, usually 2-3 days after your colonoscopy. Slowly start incorporating:

  • Cooked vegetables like carrots, broccoli, and spinach
  • Legumes such as lentils and beans
  • Bran cereal

Be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated as your fiber intake increases.

Return to Normal Eating Habits

Most people can return to their usual diet 3 to 7 days after a colonoscopy, depending on their personal recovery and any biopsies that were taken. However, everyone’s body is different. Listen to your doctor’s recommendations and pay attention to how you feel. Some signs your digestive system may not quite be ready for normal eating include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Bloating
  • Cramps
  • Diarrhea

If you experience severe or persistent symptoms, call your doctor. Otherwise, use your best judgment and ease back into your normal diet gradually over a few days.

By taking it slow, staying hydrated, and listening to your body, you’ll be back to enjoying your regular meals again soon. Be sure to also follow any guidelines from your doctor about when to resume any medications or supplements you were asked to stop before your procedure. Your colonoscopy may be over, but continuing to care for your digestive health is a lifelong process.


So there you have it – a quick guide to easing back into eating after your colonoscopy. The key is to start slow, avoid anything too harsh or irritating, and build up your diet gradually as your body recovers. Focus on hydrating, eating gentle foods like bananas and rice, and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and heavy spices at first. As your digestion gets back to normal over the next couple of days, slowly add in more fiber and a wider range of foods. If you have any concerns or don’t feel quite back to your usual self in a few days, don’t hesitate to call your doctor. But otherwise, enjoy your first cup of coffee, that spicy curry, or a glass of wine – your colonoscopy is behind you and it’s time to celebrate! You’ve earned it.

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