Manage Your Friends Like a Pro with Snapchat Planet Order

Manage Your Friends Like a Pro with Snapchat Planet Order

Are you looking for an easier way to manage your friends list on Snapchat? Well, look no further than Snapchat Planet Order Plus! This premium subscription service allows you to choose 8 of your best friends and organize them in order of priority. 

For just around $3.99, you can get the perfect way to quickly and easily access your favorite people on Snapchat. 

With Snapchat Planet Order Plus, you can manage your friends like a pro!

What is Snapchat Planet Order?

Have you ever heard of Snapchat Planet Order? It’s a cool feature on Snapchat that helps you manage your friends like a pro! 

Snapchat Planet Order allows you to choose 8 of your best friends on Snapchat and put them in a special list. This way, you can easily see their stories and messages without scrolling through many other people’s stuff. 

It’s like having your little planet in the Snapchat universe, filled with all your favorite people! 

And the best part is that you can switch up the list anytime. 

Snapchat Planet Order is available with a subscription called Snapchat Planet Order Plus. This version of Snapchat costs about $3.99, but it’s worth it if you want to stay connected with your besties. 

Snapchat Planet Order is a fun and convenient way to keep up with your friends on Snapchat. 

So if you have yet to try it, give it a go and see how it can improve your Snapchat experience!

How Does it Work?

Snapchat Planet Order

Snapchat Planet Order is super easy to use! 

  • First, open your Snapchat app and go to the chat screen. You will see a list of all your friends there. 
  • Next, choose the friends you want to add to your Planet Order. You can choose up to 8 of your closest friends! Just tap on your friend’s name, and they will be added to your Planet Order. 
  • Once you have chosen your friends, you can change their appearance in your Planet Order. Just tap on the friends’ names and drag them to the spot you want them to be in. 
  • Your Planet Order will then appear at the top of your chat screen. You can quickly and easily chat with your closest friends and stay updated on their lives! 

Remember, Planet Order Plus is a premium version of Snapchat. But it’s worth it to manage your friends like a pro!

What are the Benefits?

Using Snapchat Planet Order has many benefits. Here are some of them:

Easy Management of Friends:

When you use Snapchat Planet Order, you can choose up to 8 of your best friends and add them to a special group. This makes it easier for you to send them snaps and chat with them quickly.

More Control over Your Social Circle:

By selecting your top 8 friends, you can control who sees your snaps and who doesn’t. This means you can avoid sharing personal snaps with people you don’t know well.

Exclusive Content:

With Snapchat Order, you can send snaps and chat messages only your closest friends can see. This makes it easy to share special moments with people who matter the most to you.

Extra Fun:

Snapchat Order can make your social media experience more fun. Knowing that only your closest friends can see your snaps can make you feel more confident and relaxed about sharing content.

Increased Privacy:

Snapchat Order lets you choose who sees your snaps and messages. This can be especially helpful if you want to keep certain things private from your wider social circle.

So, these are some of the benefits of using Snapchat Order. You need to download the app and sign up for a subscription to try it out. 

It’s a fun and easy way to manage your friends like a pro!

How Much Does it Cost?

If you’re wondering how much Snapchat Order Plus costs, we’ve got the answer for you! This cool feature is available for around $3.99. Unfortunately, it’s a subscription version of Snapchat, meaning you must pay to use it. 

But don’t worry. It’s not too expensive.

When you use Snapchat Order Plus, you can choose up to 8 of your best friends to put in your planet order. It’s a fun way to keep track of your favorite people and stay connected with them. Plus, you can easily send them snaps and chat with them whenever possible.

Some might think that paying for a Snapchat feature is silly, but if you love using Snapchat and want to take it to the next level, Snapchat Order Plus is worth it. It’s a great way to manage your friends like a pro and have even more fun with the app. 

So go ahead, give it a try!

What are Snapchat plus Planets orders?

Snapchat Planet Order

Snapchat Plus Planets orders are a special feature you can get by subscribing to Snapchat Plus. This is an upgrade that you can add to your Snapchat account that allows you to choose eight special friends that you can chat with more easily. 

When you have Snapchat Plus Planets, your friends are arranged in a special order so that the ones you talk to the most are at the top. This way, you don’t have to search through your friends to find the ones you want to talk to.

Snapchat Plus Planets also lets you customize your chat window and use different colors and fonts. Plus, you can use cool filters on your photos and videos.

This might be a good option if you love using Snapchat to chat with your friends.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Snapchat Order free?

No, Snapchat Order Plus is a premium and subscription version of Snapchat that costs around $3.99.

How many friends can I choose with Snapchat Planet Order Plus?

You can choose up to 8 of your best friends with the Snapchat Order Plus feature.

What are the benefits of using Snapchat Order Plus?

With Snapchat Order Plus, you can easily manage your best friends and keep them organized. You’ll also be able to view their stories first and get quick access to their Snapcodes.

Can I change my best friends after choosing them with Snapchat Planet Order Plus?

Yes, you can always update and change your best friends as needed.

Are there any other premium features available on Snapchat?

Yes! Snapchat Plus offers several premium features, including additional filters, lenses, and unlimited replays.


So, there you have it!

Snapchat Planet Order is an amazing feature that can help you manage your friends list like a pro. 

With Snapchat Order Plus, you can select your 8 closest friends and share your stories with them more privately and personally.

This feature is easy to use and allows you to keep your social circle more organized and less cluttered. 

Snapchat Order is a great tool for kids and adults to connect with their friends meaningfully. 

So, consider trying Planet Order next time you use Snapchat – we think you’ll love it!

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