The Story of Lamora Williams – A Mother Who Killed Her Two Sons

The tragic story of Lamora Williams will haunt many for years to come. Lamora Williams was a mother of two young boys who, in despair, killed her two sons in cold blood. 

The incident shook the entire community, leaving many unanswered questions about what could have led to such a heartbreaking tragedy. Lamora Williams’ story has become a cautionary tale for many and an important reminder of the devastating consequences of unchecked mental illness.

Williams, who had no criminal history, stunned her community when she committed the unimaginable act. This blog post will explore the events leading up to the tragedy. Also, provide insight into Williams’s problematic situation in the days leading up to the incident.

Let’s take a closer look!

Who Is Lamora Williams?

Lamora Williams was a 24-year-old mother from Atlanta, Georgia, who made headlines in October 2017 for an unimaginable crime. Killing her two sons. The boys, who were 1 and 2 years old, had been stabbed multiple times, and their bodies were found in their homes. 

Williams had been living with her boyfriend, Jameel Penn, and his mother, with whom she had a rocky relationship. She had struggled with mental health issues since her early teens, had recently begun using drugs, and had just separated from Penn before the incident occurred. It was reported that Williams was profoundly depressed and struggling with intense guilt and self-hatred. 

Among the charges against Williams were malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, cruelty to children in the first degree, possession of a knife during a crime, and concealing a death.

At her trial in April 2018, Williams was sentenced to life in prison without parole plus an additional 60 years.

What Happened?

On October 2017, Lamora Williams, a mother of three children living in Atlanta, Georgia, was arrested and charged with two counts of felony murder after her two sons were found dead in their home. It was reported that Lamora had suffocated her 2-year-old son, Ja’Karter Penn, and 1-year-old Ke-Yaunte Penn, with a plastic bag before leaving the house with her 7-year-old daughter.

Upon returning to the house, police found the bodies of the two boys in a bedroom, along with a suicide note written by Lamora. In the note, she expressed regret for taking her sons’ lives and stated that she could not bear to see them suffer any longer. 

Lamora had been struggling with mental health issues before the tragic incident and had been receiving treatment. Unfortunately, her efforts to manage her mental health issues had been unsuccessful, leading her to take this drastic measure. 

Why Did It Happen?

According to her family, Lamora had struggled with postpartum depression for some time. Being a single mother and the stress of work and school was too much for her to bear. 

It was reported that Lamora planned to take her own life that day and wanted to take her sons with her so they would not suffer without her. That morning, Lamora put the two boys in the bathtub and stabbed them both multiple times. She then took her own life. 

The circumstances surrounding Lamora’s death are heartbreaking and complicated for anyone to understand. But it is important to remember that mental illness is an issue that affects millions of people worldwide and can often lead to tragedy if it goes unchecked. 

In Lamora’s case, it is possible that she was not receiving the help she needed to cope with her illness. It is also possible that she felt there was no other option but to take her own life and her children’s lives. Whatever the cause, it is an unfortunate situation and serves as a reminder of how mental illness should not be taken lightly.

Did Lamora Williams Go to Jail After Brutally Murdering Her Sons?

Yes, Lamora Williams was sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty of the brutal murders of her two sons. The verdict was handed down on August 24, 2018. 

The court heard evidence that Williams had previously abused and threatened to kill her sons. The judge said that Williams showed no remorse for the murders and that she had acted with “callousness and indifference” to her sons’ suffering. 

Williams was sentenced to life with a minimum sentence of 60 years. This means she must serve at least 60 years in jail before being released. During her sentencing, the judge said that she had taken away the lives of two innocent children and that nothing could undo the horrific acts she had committed. 

Despite being sentenced to life in prison, Williams still maintained her innocence throughout the trial and continues to do so today. While she cannot be with her sons anymore, it is hoped that justice has been served for them and their families.

The Sentencing

She pleaded guilty to two counts of malice murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and cruelty to children in the first degree. And possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. 

The judge presiding over the case accepted Williams’ guilty plea after listening to testimony from the state’s witnesses. The medical examiner testified that her sons had been stabbed multiple times in the chest and abdomen.

The prosecution described the scene as “brutal and horrific” and argued that Lamora should receive the harshest sentence possible. The defense argued that Williams had suffered mental health issues for years before the incident and asked for leniency. 

Ultimately, the judge sided with the prosecution and sentenced Williams to life without parole. Williams remained silent during the sentencing hearing but had previously stated that she did not remember committing the crime. 

Following her sentencing, several of Lamora’s family members spoke out. Also, expressed their sadness and shock at what happened. They said that they would never be able to forgive Lamora for taking away their two precious boys.

Lamora Called Her Close Friend Neesa Smith

The call from Lamora to her close friend Neesa Smith was a desperate plea for help and understanding. Lamora Williams wanted someone to listen to her and her story and understand the immense pressure she had been going through. 

She explained to Neesa Smith that she had been struggling with depression, anxiety, and severe financial issues. Her finances had become so dire that she could no longer support her four children. She felt like she had no other choice than to take their lives.

Lamora told Neesa Smith that on the day of the tragedy, she had taken all her children out for a drive to buy them candy. While they were driving, Lamora decided to end her own life and those of her sons. 

She drove back home, took the two youngest boys inside, and gave them each a bottle of NyQuil. Once they fell asleep, she suffocated them with a pillow. After killing them, Lamora drove to a nearby bridge intending to commit suicide but was intercepted by police officers and taken into custody. 

Neesa Smith was left shocked and confused after hearing Lamora’s story. She never expected her close friend to have committed such an atrocity. She couldn’t understand why Lamora thought it was the only solution to her problems. Lamora’s call to Neesa Smith ended abruptly with her saying, “I love you and goodbye.” 

Neesa was left heartbroken and traumatized after this final conversation with her best friend.

Lamora Blamed Her Cousin For Her Kids’ Murder

Lamora Williams called the police in November 2016 and told them that she had left her two sons with her cousin, and when she returned home, she found her kids dead. She described a horror scene, saying that one of her sons was under a “pulled over” oven, that both kids were burned, and that “brains were on the floor.” 

At first, Lamora claimed not to know who killed her kids. However, she changed her story and blamed her cousin for the murder. Eventually, she changed her story again and claimed that her sister had killed the children. This inconsistency in her statements made it difficult for investigators to determine what happened and who was responsible. 

Throughout this ordeal, Lamora continued to make clear that she did not want to go to jail, as she was not at home when her sons were killed. In the end, despite her claims, she was found guilty of the murder of her two sons.

3 Facts You Need to Know About Williams Killing Her Sons

1. The Deaths Were Discovered When Lamora Video Called the Children’s Father

On April 16, 2018, Lamora Williams video-called her children’s father, Martinique Brown. Brown had not seen or heard from his children for weeks. When Brown answered the call, he saw his two sons, Ja’Karter and Ke-Yaunte, lying motionless on the floor. Brown asked Lamora what had happened, but she refused to answer him. 

Brown immediately called 911 and told them he thought his sons were dead. When police arrived at the scene, they found the bodies of both Ja’Karter and Ke-Yaunte in a bedroom. Lamora was arrested at the scene and confessed to killing her two sons with a knife. 

Lamora’s horrific crime shocked everyone who knew her. She was a single mother of three children and had never been in trouble with the law before. After her arrest, Lamora told police she was struggling to care for her children after losing her job and home. She said she was overwhelmed and “just wanted the boys to be in a better place.” 

Lamora was charged with two counts of murder and is currently awaiting trial. Her friends and family still struggle to come to terms with this tragedy. Her sons’ deaths continue to haunt those who knew and loved them.

2. Brenda was well aware of her daughter’s mental health.

Lamora Williams, the mother of two boys tragically killed in their home in Atlanta, Georgia, in 2019, had a history of mental health issues. Lamora’s mother, Brenda, was well aware of her daughter’s struggles and had tried to get her to help over the years, but it was to no avail. 

Brenda described Lamora as “a sweet girl who was always smiling and laughing” but also noted that she suffered from depression and bipolar disorder. She had tried for years to get Lamora the help she needed, but in the end, she couldn’t do so.

In 2019, Lamora’s mental health deteriorated further, and on July 5th, she strangled her two young sons to death. She was subsequently charged with two counts of felony murder and cruelty to children in the first degree. 

The deaths of her two boys were a heartbreaking tragedy that stunned the community. Unfortunately, it could have been prevented had lamora williams been able to access the mental health services she so desperately needed. Tragically, Brenda’s attempts to get her daughter help were unsuccessful, and her sons lost their lives.

3. Lamora Intentionally Murdered her kids.

Lamora Williams had a history of mental illness and was well aware that her mental health was deteriorating. It is reported that Lamora Williams has been suffering from schizophrenia and depression since her childhood. According to the autopsy report, lamora williams smothered her children with a pillow and then put their heads in the oven to kill them. 

This incident has shocked the nation as it is unimaginable for a mother to take her own children’s lives. There have been many cases of child abuse, but this one is different. This case is particularly heartbreaking because a mother killed her kids in cold blood. 

The motive behind Lamora’s action remains unknown. It is believed that she was in a psychotic state at the time of the murders. But it is hard to imagine how a mother can be cruel to her children. 

Mental health should not be taken lightly. People with mental health problems need professional help and support to avoid becoming violent or lashing out. Mental illness can lead to tragic consequences if it is not treated correctly. 

It reminds us to pay attention to those around us and seek help if we notice any signs of mental illness in our loved ones. We need to make sure that no more tragedies like this occur in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Lamora Williams?

Lamora Williams was a mother from Atlanta, Georgia, convicted of murdering her two sons in 2018. 

How did Lamora Williams kill her two sons?

Lamora Williams admitted to strangling her two sons with her bare hands. After strangling them, she placed their bodies in a plastic bin and left them in a closet for several days before eventually reporting them missing to the police. 

What happened after Lamora Williams was convicted of murder?

Lamora Williams was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. She has expressed remorse for her actions and requested her family’s forgiveness.


The tragic story of Lamora Williams is one of immense sorrow and regret. Despite the circumstances that led to her heinous acts, she must be held accountable for her actions, and her victims must never be forgotten. Her two sons, Ja’Karter Penn and Ke’Yaunte Penn were taken from this world far too soon and will always be remembered for their innocence and beauty. 

We hope that lamora williams will find a way to cope with her trauma, seek forgiveness from those affected by her actions, and move forward in life. We can learn from her story and strive to prevent such tragedies from happening again. Our hearts go out to those who lost loved ones, and we pray for peace for the families of Ja’Karter Penn and Ke’Yaunte Penn.

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