How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic

Synthetic monitoring plays a crucial role in ensuring the availability, performance, and reliability of applications and websites. It enables proactive monitoring by simulating user interactions and transactions, helping to identify potential issues before they impact end users. New Relic, a popular application performance monitoring (APM) tool, offers a robust Synthetics feature that allows organizations to monitor their applications from different geographic locations. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to get Synthetics monitoring to work in New Relic effectively.

Understanding Synthetics Monitoring and its Benefits

Synthetics monitoring involves simulating user interactions and transactions to monitor the performance and availability of applications and websites. It helps businesses ensure that their digital services are functioning as intended and provides valuable insights into end-user experiences. The benefits of Synthetics monitoring in New Relic include: Proactive identification of application performance issues. Real-time monitoring from various geographic locations. Continuous testing and monitoring of critical transactions. Improved visibility into application uptime and availability. Comprehensive reporting for analysis and troubleshooting.

Setting Up New Relic for Synthetics Monitoring

To begin using Synthetics monitoring in New Relic, follow these steps: a. Sign in to your New Relic account or create a new one if you don’t have an existing account. b. Navigate to the Synthetics section within the New Relic platform. c. Create an API key by going to Account Settings > API Keys. d. Enable Synthetics by clicking on “Synthetics” in the main navigation and following the setup wizard.

Creating and Managing Synthetics Monitors

To create a Synthetics monitor in New Relic, perform the following actions: c. Click on the “Monitors” tab within the Synthetics section. b. Choose the desired monitor type, such as Ping, Simple Browser, or Scripted Browser. c. Provide the necessary details, including the monitor name, URL, and locations for monitoring. D. Set the desired schedule for running the monitor, such as every minute, hourly, or daily. Save the monitor and start the monitoring process.

Configuring Synthetics Scripts: How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic

Synthetics scripts allow you to simulate complex user interactions and transactions. Here’s how to configure Synthetics scripts in New Relic: a. Choose the Scripted Browser monitor type when creating a new monitor. b. Define the steps required to simulate user interactions, including page navigation, form submissions, and other actions. c. Leverage the New Relic Synthetics scripting language to add assertions and validate specific conditions during script execution. d. Test and validate the script using the integrated script validation tool. Save and associate the script with the monitor.

Setting Up Alert Policies

Alert policies ensure that you receive notifications when issues are detected by Synthetics monitors. Follow these steps to set up alert policies in New Relic: Navigate to the Alerts & AI section within New Relic. Click on “Policies” and then “New policy” to create a new alert policy. Specify the conditions that trigger an alert, such as a monitor failure or increased response time. Choose the notification channels to receive alerts, such as email, Slack, or SMS. Save the alert policy to enable alert notifications.

Analyzing Synthetics Data and Reports

New Relic provides comprehensive data and reports for analyzing Synthetics monitoring results. Here’s how to leverage these features effectively: Access the Synthetics section within New Relic. Navigate to the “Monitors” or “Results” tabs to view the performance data of your monitors. Utilize the customizable dashboards and charts to gain insights into monitor status, response time, and error rates. Generate and export reports for further analysis and sharing with stakeholders. Leverage New Relic Insights to create custom queries and visualizations based on Synthetics data.

Best Practices for Successful Synthetics Monitoring

To maximize the effectiveness of Synthetics monitoring in New Relic, consider the following best practices: Regularly review and update your monitors to ensure they reflect the latest user interactions and transactions. Implement a diverse set of monitoring locations to capture regional performance variations. Use script validation and assertions to verify critical functionalities and prevent false-positive alerts. Analyze performance trends over time to identify patterns and potential issues before they become critical. Collaborate with development and operations teams to prioritize and address identified performance bottlenecks.


Synthetics monitoring in New Relic offers organizations a powerful tool for ensuring the performance, availability, and reliability of their applications and websites. By following the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can effectively set up and manage Synthetics monitors, configure scripts, set up alert policies, and leverage the available data and reports. With proactive monitoring and actionable insights provided by Synthetics monitoring in New Relic, businesses can deliver exceptional user experiences and optimize their digital services for success.

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